Kbye seeyou
DAY 10, 21st.
China taxis change these stuff everyday..
I won't EVER regret visiting this place! Inititally, I didn't want to go cause I thought it'll just be rows and rows of paintings but it proved me wrong. The place is simply....awesome? I bet there's millions of paintings there and I'm not exaggerating. Google it.
This is where we went. (My mom, dad and I)
深圳 大芬油画村 (Da fen oil painting village in shen zhen)
We took a cab there and had some bad experience, shall write about that tomorrow. Some cab drivers are damn irritating, sly and idiotic. We got a nice lady in the end though :D ..
Let me show you a FEW photos of da fen cun. (shall try to not bore you guys to death)
oh, this is NOT it. This is just like, a quarter of a 小巷. there are MANY MANY MANY MANY of these 小巷s and you also have museums and BIG buildings (one's called DAFEN LOUVRE) selling thousands and thousands of oil paintings.
You can find 1 great shop in 20, and here are two of my favourite shops:
favourite shop #1
Fantastic skills. I like the girl in pink on the right of the picture, and shirley temple on the top right hand corner. He's taking in students as you can see. I would have made myself his disciple IF I was staying in shen zhen!
That won't ever happen though, cause I can't stand that place (besides this da fen village).
favourite shop #2
We had a little chat (he speaks canto too!) and I got his permission to take a photo of my favourite painting (all his originals):
That's water colour not oil painting idk why there's a watercolour shop here but who cares I like water colour more anyway :D
He asked me to advertise so TADAH.
Paintings on the buildings...
Sculptures everywhere...
bought many books... :P
and got these paintings. They're probably done by students (and are probably copies too), but painting these still require good skills, even though they're not fantastic paintings.
You know what, they're priced at RMB 15 each. Really pity those students, a piece of canvas costs more than that. But I guess its just practice pieces, so it ain't that bad either. Problem is customers treat these paintings like dirt or something, cause I saw this china lady flipping through them and placing them in some very messy position. ):
画家命很苦. That's true to a great extent, at least for materialistic needs. But I bet they're all happy people inside ^_^
I need to sleep now, editing tomorrow. I still have photos from day 6,7,8,9. -__-
Out with kaiying tomorrow. We're going to TUNG CHUNG, they have a shopping centre with LOADS of factory outlets there. Factory outlets = great deals. I got an Esprit cardigan for 76 HKD (SGD 14. the exchange rate is now 5.4, not 5.2), seriously. Maybe we can find our shoes there!
No more complaints about going to hk for 3 weeks! I really love it here!
goodnight seeyou.
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